It is not without reason that the “Westfälische Himmel” has a lot to do with gammon – not only smoked gammon, but especially salted gammon, dried carefully. The real Westphalian bone gammon that is salted and dried gently inspires not only the Westfalian gourmet.
But it must be done in a skilled fashion: not covered in salt but salted in brine and dried for 8-12 months. Then the gammon develops its rich flavour.
Christoph Laschke produces up to a 100 pieces of gammon in his butcher’s shop. Of course not only gammon but also a variety of high-quality sausages is processed here. And because Grandfather Laschke once owned a butcher’s shop in Silesia, Westphalian and Silesian craftmanship have entered an excellent union which makes products from Heek much sought-after throughout the country. The shop has been in the Bahnhofsstrasse since 1950; they did their own slaughtering until 1995.
Christoph Laschke has been a member of Slow Food Münster/Münsterland for 4 years. He is a founding member of the “Schutzgemeinschaft ‚Westfälische Schinken- und Wurstspezialitäten’ e.V.” association, which ensures that the unadulterated taste of Westfalian ham and sausage specialities will be guaranteed in the future.
If you have the opportunity to try these products, you should not hesitate.
Fleischerei Laschke
Inh. Christoph Laschke
Bahnhofstraße 25
48619 Heek
Tel: 02568-96283
Mail: info@laschke.wmw.de